Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Crossover KC-Buenos Aires Argentina

For the last two moths, Alicia Candiani, Director at Proyecto ACE and Adriana Moracci, Master printer have been working on Crossover KC-BsAs. We have been collaborating with artists from different nationalities based in Argentina around the idea of giving and receiving images as gifts. I am reviewing, critiquing the preface and aftermath of their interventions.  All the participants sign a waiver donating their immediate rights to their images getting in return another image of equal value created by Miguel Rivera. The project will result in a set hybrid images created by two artists. Artists perhaps will also incorporate views by the other and question their own studio practice thus giving their own work another purpose.
 Follow their work..http://www.proyectoace.org/en_crossoverprojec

1 comment:

  1. This is the list from the first group of participants:

    Alejandro Thornton (Bs.As.,ARG))
    Sara-Aimee Verity (Cape Town/Sudáfrica)
    Gabriela Alcoba (Jujuy,ARG)
    Carla Beretta (Rosario,ARG)
    Carolina Rogé (Córdoba, ARG)
    Paula Nahmod (Bs.As.,ARG)
    Carla Perri (La Plata, ARG)
    Jennifer Pickering (Canadá)
    Sonia Sánchez Avelar (México)
    María José Sánchez Chiappe (Bs.As.,ARG)
    Alejandro Scasso (Alemania-ARG)
    Viviana Sierra (BsAs, ARG)
    Gabriela Zelentcher (Bs.As.,ARG)
