Monday, March 20, 2017

This piece is the first in a series of hybrid works on paper. French paper is very forgiving and takes a lot of drawing a printing. I used Lithography (hand pulled printing) and CNC drawing with a Farber pen, for those wondering.
The sequential drawing in this particular piece combines hand drawing from my sketchbook and mapping to conquered the "new world" in 1492.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The studio o "Taller" is shaping up. It is a privilege to be able to display single pieces side by side and start seeing the connections. They are free from flat file darkness! The studio is located in the Studios Inc. in Kansas City, MO. USA o EEUUAA (Spanish abbreviation for USA) 

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Feb 2017, Hybrid Works

Here are some glimpses of works in progress for an upcoming show at Tood Weiner Gallery in Kansas City, MO.